Imran Aziz


Imran is the co-founder and Executive Director of the Global Consortium ​Group (GCG), and the head of GCG’s Digital and IT Services.

Imran is a globally accomplished professional with over 20 years of ​experience in hybrid senior operations and management roles, specializing in ​business development and sales execution on an international scale.

With a solid background in operational/tactical policing and working in ​sensitive areas of the military, Imran has become a critical asset in digital ​transformation for numerous agencies worldwide. His extensive experience ​has cultivated a deep trust network within the Military, Police, and the Five ​Eyes Counter-Terrorism agencies. Over 15 years in a highly specialized ​operational command role have cemented his reputation for delivery and ​integrity.

Imran has successfully managed complex global projects, navigating cross-​border sensitivities with expertise and finesse.